The Aerodrome Control Instrument (ADI) rating entitles the holder to provide an air traffic control service at an aerodrome which has published instrument approach and/or departure procedures.
The Aerodrome Control Instrument rating may be granted to controllers who are competent to provide an air traffic control service at aerodromes where:
- there are published instrument approach and/or departure procedures;
- there is an associated Approach Control Unit; or
- where an Approach Control service is provided from an Area Control Centre.
A valid rating shall include a Unit endorsement.
ICAO Technical Guidelines: Course 051
Course Objective: To provide the trainee with specific theoretical and practical skills in Air Traffic Services procedures and techniques which will enable them, after a suitable period of on-job training, to reach the required level of expertise for successful completion of an Aerodrome Control Rating.
The ICAO 052 course includes theoretical and practical instruction in the following:
- Aerodrome Control General
- Aerodromes
- Aerodrome Lighting
- Aerodrome and Performance Requirements
- Control of Aerodrome Traffic
- The Aerodrome Traffic Circuit
- VFR Operations
- Control of Vehicles and Pedestrians
- Control of Taxiing Aircraft
- Aerodrome Control Separations (IFR/VFR)
- Control of Traffic in the Circuit (ATZ)
- Control of Departing Aircraft (IFR/VFR)
- Control of Arriving Aircraft (IFR/VFR)
- Arrival and departure information/clearance regarding VFR traffic, crossing VFR, VFR touch-and- go operations, SVFR operations, equipment failure and runway change
- Departure information
- Communications, phraseology, ATC clearances
- Departure separations
- Handling of ground movements
- Go around and equipment failure
- Arrival and departure information/clearance regarding an even mixture of IFR and VFR trafficmwith multiple runways, reduced runway separation, hospital flights, equipment failure, aborted take-off and cooperation between air and ground positions.
- Cooperation between air and ground positions including unusual and emergency situations regarding IFR and VFR traffic, runway incursion, SIGMET, opposite landings, bird strike, emergency landings, com-failure and low visibility operations.
- Airport Emergency Services and ATC Handling
- Aerodrome Control Practical/Simulation